1) What is it? What is it for?
"A computer projector is a device that integrates a light source, optics system, electronics and display(s) for the purpose of projecting an image from a computer or video device onto a wall or screen for large image viewing. These devices attached to a computer or video device as you would connect a monitor."
Source: Cavasi: Computer Audio Video Systems Integrator. Available Online.
2) What does it look like?Taken from: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41RMS1C02XL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
Date Accessed: August 06, 2009
Taken from: http://www.videoprojectors.us/digital-projector-530.jpg
Date Accessed: August 06, 2009
3) What is the technology behind it?
"A computer projector works by transferring a signal through a VGA cable from the computer to the projector in order to display the image output onto a screen."
Source: Ehow. How does a Computer Projector Work? Available Online.
"At the center of the projector is a halogen bulb, which is surrounded by the panels. The panels produce light. As the halogen bulb heats up, the crystals melt and allow more light to pass through. Hence, the intensity of the halogen bulb brings about the difference in the tones. Higher the temperature of the bulb, lighter the tone and vice a versa."
"Images travel to the tube present inside the projector from the DVD player or the satellite box. These images in turn bounce on a screen that is coated with phosphor. Every fragment of light hitting the screen is termed pixel. On hitting the screen, the pixel breaks down into its color component that is red, blue or green."
"The heat produced by the halogen bulb is controlled by the voltage that flows into the LCD video projector. Considering the voltage that flows into the projector, the 3 LCD panels can produce more than sixteen million colors. This is what enables us to view all the subtle colors of a sunset."
"A single panel is for a single color; meaning one panel handles all the pixels that are created by the red color, the second for blue and the third for green. The color images travel as three separate beams of light and hit the wall. Here the colors fall on each other to produce the true color."
Source: Shandilya, Ranjan (2007):How does an LCD Projector Work? In Buzzle.com. Available Online.
Summary of the technology behind it:
Halogen bulb heats up >> Light passes through >> Images travel to the tube present inside the projector >> The color images travel as three separate beams of light >> Image hits the wall
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